Family Genealogy

Kate Elizabeth Rose Farnworth. Her birthday is July 24th and her daughter is expected to be born on July 25, 2022. Her daughter will be named Elouise. They live outside of Boise in a home they purchased for $450k.

Raymond Daniel Gladding, Jr. was born in the USA in 1922. His father was Raymond Daniel-Gladding, Sr.

Rosario Pierre Pontvianne was born in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil on September 16, 1930. Rosario's parents were Miguel (Italian) and Maria (Spanish) de los Dolores.

Dolores Gladding Kroop:

Anthony John Gladding was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil on August 10, 1958. His mother was Rosario Pierre Pontvianne Gladding. His father was Raymond Daniel Gladding, Jr. After being born in Brazil, John moved with his family to Greece. After Greece, John moved with his family to Los Banos, California, USA where he attended the Sacred Heart of Mary Elementary School. After Los Banos, John moved with his family to Lancaster, California, USA where he attended a similar Sacred Heart of Mary Elementary School.